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Monday, October 7, 2013

I'll be back

I really want to turn this blog into what I originally wanted, which is a way of me to keep track of my progress with pole and my nutrition. 

With that said, I just wanted to post real quick letting everyone know that I am taking a break and will be back once I have my pole installed. GET EXCITED.

XO Lauren

Thursday, October 3, 2013

86,400 Seconds In a Day - The Plank Challenge

After realizing just how many seconds are in a day, I have no excuse whatsoever not to do this challenge.
86,400 seconds is a lot of time.
I can seriously squeeze in a few seconds a day to work my core.

I saw this challenge on Laura's Blog, Live.Run.Sparkle today and had to share.
She originally found it on her friend's blog,  Be Silly Be Strong.
Yay for blogger friends :)

I'll update you occasionally on how I'm doing.
 I know this will really help me with posture, pole, and just about everything else.

You have no excuse; we all have 86,400 seconds in a day!
XO Lauren

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pole On The Way and Progress vs Perfection

OMG guess what!!!!
I ordered my pole yesterday.
I am so beyond excited to play on it...I'm about to burst!
Remember this? I miss it so much!

I have been thinking a lot lately about the difference between progress and perfection.
When I started working out, I really just wanted the most beautiful body in the world.  I was going to look like a model after every workout.  I would come home after an hour at the gym and lift up my shirt and be so disappointed.  The love handles and pooch hadn't been replaced with rock hard abs.

If progress was perfection I would have been so happy.

I think this is the reason people have such roller coaster diets and fitness routines. 
If you expect perfection, the amazing progress you have made will be blurred by disappointment.  If you expect perfection, you won't be happy.  If you expect perfection, you will never get there.

Let's be happy about the little accomplishments.  Soon, they will add up to your biggest dreams.
You will no longer want to be perfect; no one's perfect. You'll be happy being you.

Moral of the story: Work for progress, there is no such thing as perfection.
Now go sweat, make progress, and feel sexy.

XO Lauren

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I Cut My Hair and Saving Time and Money

So last night I got really fed up with how dry, and basically dead the ends of my hair were.
I ended up cutting off like three inches, maybe four.  I was too afraid to measure.
I don't know if you noticed, but I'm going blonde.
It is killing my hair.
I'm dealing with it.

Sassy duck face
So I haven't decided yet, but I really feel like I could save a lot of money by getting rid of my gym membership.
I pay $40 a month ($480 a year!) to go lift weights when I could buy a set for a fraction.  Like this cute set on amazon for only $26:
Super cute colors
I waste gas to get there.
Sometimes I don't even go.
To me it just seems like it is a waste of time and money.
I have been attempting to work out at home, focusing more on body weight since I don't have weights to play around with yet.
Do you think I will lose all motivation to work out if I don't have to go somewhere to do it?
Will I even pick up the weights if I have them at home?
Maybe I will leave them in front of the TV.
Maybe boyfriend will come up with a way to rig them to the TV so it will only turn on when I use them :p

XO Lauren

Monday, September 30, 2013

One Year, Muffin Fail, and Twelve Minutes to Work Out

My weekend was really great.  Boyfriend came home from a two week long work trip to Canada.
He brought me out to celebrate one year since we met at the same restaurant where we met.
Super cute.

1 year since we met.
September 2013
Sunday was time to get things done.
I did like five loads of laundry, attempted to work out, made muffins twice, and did all my dishes!
My first attempt at making muffins was a huge fail.
I forgot the flour :(.

So embarrassed.
My workout:
Each exercise for 25 seconds, 5 second rests in between.
Mountain climbers (abs)
Toe touches (abs)
Kickbacks (abs, booty)
Burpees (entire body)
Repeat 6 times
I was really sad that I couldn't finish this 12 minute workout.  My knee started hurting from the mountain climbers and burpees.
This is a super intense workout even though it's only 12 min.
Try it; I dare you!

Ohh I almost forgot...
We also put a shelf up in the bathroom. 
I am so happy boyfriend is handy.

I obviously need to put a picture in the frame
and find a better place for my makeup
than a plastic bag. :p

Happy Monday!
XOXO Lauren

Friday, September 27, 2013

Do Something About It

I have been so down on myself in the past about NEEDING to work out and eat right to the point where I got so sad about it and depressed that I couldn't do anything.  I would only crave bad foods, give in, and then hate myself for it.  I would get all excited about working out and then remember my knee hurts or that I'm going to get sweaty and I already showered.
I kept making excuses.
I have realized that I am the one in control.  It has nothing to do with cravings and I can tell them to shut the EFF up.
I am in control of the hours I have in my day.  
Tell your excuses to get out of your head.  You can do it!
I LOVE the feeling I get from working out.  I LOVE the confidence I get from working out.  I LOVE my body for letting me work out. 
Why do I make excuses not to?  Who knows, women can be crazy...
Grab your yoga mats, weights, cute booty shorts, and stop watches.  Let's work out.
Thank you for listening to me motivate myself! You are the best.
XO Lauren
How do you motivate yourself?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Back To It and My Cutie

  I have said EFF IT!
I started running again.  Actually jogging...
Scratch that, I walk fast with a hop.
I was getting really down on myself.
I felt fat, and lazy.
I needed to do something, so I went for a jog and iced real well after. 
Pause for a cute picture.
My little cutie, Penny always feels as though she needs to be on top of me.
Literally all the time.
After my run. Icing my knee.

Back to the important stuff...
A constant battle in my life is equilibrium.
I have been struggling with this since I was younger.
I haven't found a happy medium.
It is strange how happy I get from helping people out, but it is also a handicap for me.
I can't balance helping with my own life...
If I help, I go all out and you could take everything from me before I realize.
It has happened to me multiple times in this past year.
I can't balance time, money, exercise, diet, etc.
For a few months I'll be a beast, and I love working out, then a switch goes off and I don't want to move a muscle.
It is the same with my diet.
I love food, I love junk food, but with the fluxuation of exercise I end up feeling guilty and my diet ends up fluxuating as well.
My biggest goal is to find balance.
Equilibrium (noun): a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced.
Synonyms: balance, symmetry, equipoise, parity, equality
I need to make this a priority.
XO Lauren

Friday, August 30, 2013

Foodie Penpal Month 1

Goooood day everyone!!!
Today is reveal day for Foodie Penpals!  If you don't know about this awesome program, you should.
The Lean Green Bean

Join, join!!! Maybe we will be penpals!

Well, last month I was lucky enough to get the lovely Melanie.
I was super excited to know she lives on the east coast because I grew up there!
I loved all of the food she sent.
I loved the PB Granola...I had it in my yogurt that night.

The tortilla chips were gone like the next day.
Even Penny loved it all!

XO Lauren
PS. If you want to see what I sent, go see Ann's page here.
She hasn't posted anything about it yet, but hopefully she will soon!


Friday, August 16, 2013

The Two that Keep Me Sane

(Sexy deep voice) This one goes out to.....the two that keep me sane ya'll.
Tee hee.
I am in the middle of a huge house clean, packing my apartment, going crazy at work, moving, and trying to find time to relax.
These two down here keep me sane.
I <3 my boyfriend and my cat.
Without them, I wouldn't have anyone to hang out with on the weekend.
That sounds totally sad, I have friends, really..
Without them, I think my head would explode.
To Penny and Boyfriend!!! CHEERS.
Happy Friday!!!
XO Lauren

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Pick Yourself Back Up

Hi everyone,
I have been super busy and debating what I should write for like a few days now.
I debated posting a workout, a recipe, continuing to update you on my boring life....
But I have decided that you need to know that my life isn't all eating healthy and working out.
I haven't worked out in about a month.  I am slightly terrified to speak those words, but I feel as though everyone goes through this.
After my birthday week of not working out, I completely fell off the bandwagon.  Then the boyfriend and I went on a roadtrip, and didn't have access to a gym, and now I am working on cleaning our house top to bottom so I can move my furniture, etc from my apartment in.
I don't really have time to even think, let alone workout.  I feel as thought that is a slight cop-out though.  I do have time....but that hour or two I have, I have been using to wind down and relax before bed.  I have learned to value sleep over everything.  Sleep, to me, is more important than working out...although, they are both at the top of my 'important things' list.
Instead of mentally bashing myself about not working out, I have tried to stay positive about other things that are going on. 
Wow, my hair is getting long and looks super sexy.
I vacuumed every room AND did all of the dishes. Way to get shit done!
I have made a list of needs and wants in order to save money, and I'm doing GREAT.
I have also been very aware of the support my boyfriend needs starting his new job.
My boyfriend loves me for who I am.
I have a great job.
I also keep in mind that it is more important to love yourself in order for other people to love you.  The boyfriend encourages me to workout if I want, will understand if I don't, but cares enough about me to know when it has gone too far.  If I stop loving my body, it would get difficult for him as well.  It is a fact.
Without stressing myself out about it, I need to start pushing myself to go, continuing to be happy with myself, and ease myself into it...once again.
The hardest thing I am dealing with right now is that my meniscus is still torn in my knee and I cannot do cardio.
I was trying to work into a heavier cardio workout when I found this out, bummer. Seriously.
I hope you are all doing well. I could use some encouragement.
XO Lauren 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Spicy Mexican Chicken and Cupcakes

So the other night I was exhausted. 
I don't think I have caught up on sleep since the road trip.
We hadn't gone grocery shopping and didn't have much except some frozen chicken.
My solution?

Spicy Mexican Chicken

Three Chicken Breasts
1can Diced Tomatos w/ Green Chilies
1/4 cup Taco Seasoning
Throw it all in a crock pot.
Leave on high for 2.5 hours or until cooked through.
Serve with whatever side you have laying around.
So easy, so delicious, and it got rave reviews from the boyfriend.
Sorry I don't have pictures...I haven't been very good with that lately.

I can't seem to get myself to post this without a pic so here are the delish cupcakes at my SIL's baby shower :).
My mom's best friend's daughter in law made them.

Just to make your mouth water a little more the cupcakes were
Chocolate with peanut butter frosting and a peanut butter truffle in the middle
Chocolate with chocolate frosting and a chocolate truffle in the middle
Vanilla with vanilla and vanilla.
I also believe there was a strawberry shortcake one or something like that.
So good.

XO Lauren


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

MIA and Road Trip to CT

I am so sorry I have been MIA.
I decided to road trip it halfway across the US, back to my hometown this past weekend.
It was a long trip but well worth it.

Boyfriend likes bananas.
The boyfriend came with me to meet my family and it went so well!  It was his first time in Connecticut.

I was really excited to show him around my hometown. 
I used to hang out on that hill all the time with friends.
Super surreal.

I decided to go because it was my sister-in-law's babyshower.
She is the nicest person, and I know she would be at mine (NOTE: I am NOT pregnant).
I surprised her! Wahoooo!  No one spilled the beans :P
My immediate fam. SIL in the pink.  She is a tiny tiny pregnant woman.
 I also got to see my beautiful niece...who loves attention, but shys away from pictures.

The drive took 16 hours.  The boyfriend and I did it in one day.
On our way back we broke it up into two days, and it felt like the longest drive of my life. 
I also found out that my meniscus is actually NOT repaired.
Awesome. :(
Back to recipe's, excercise, and normal life tomorrow.
XO Lauren

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Fast Forward

So a month or so ago my pole teacher brought in her aerial hoop.  I played around a little, got a lot of bruises, and fell in love.

One day I dream to look like this lovely lady. I wish I could fast forward and just be balls-to-the-wallz amazing.
Pshhhhhh. You probably thought that was me huh?...I'm blushing ;)
If you haven't noticed I decided to take a short break from pole.  It is super far away from my house and gas is disgustingly expensive.
I am saving to buy my own so I can practice ALL the time and get AWESOME pics for ya'll.
Get excited. 
I almost have enough to buy one. AHHH.
XO The future aerial hoopist, Lauren

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

If You Pole, You Will Like Cats. Fact.

I find it commical that almost everyone in the pole community is a cat lover.
I bet the fact that I got a cat two and a half years ago directly correlates with the fact that I became a poler.
I guess if I ever get super good at pole, I'll owe it to that fateful day in April 2011 when I found Penny. :p
 So here are some pics I took of the love of my life yesterday.  She is the cutest thing on this planet and if you stick around you will get to know her real well.

Sorry about the quality of the pics. I'm still basically a broke college student and haven't been able to get a nice camera :p

I am also in love with all of these pole comics that Pole Dancing Adventures shares.  This one is hilarious to me.
Have a good day!
XO Lauren

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Tastes Like Heaven - Energy Balls

These are super delicious, healthy, you'll-want-to-shove-your-face-in-them-good energy balls!
I know I hadn't shared a recipe in a while so here goes it.

No-Bake Energy Bites [I like saying Balls better :p]

1 cup oats
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup ground flaxseed
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp vanilla
Combine all ingredients and mush with hands.
Form into balls.

Pinterest: I tried clicking it for the website to cite it properly but got nothin!
Okay so this recipe is super versatile.
I generally use steal cut oats, but you could play around.
I have used natural peanut butter, or normal every day Skippy PB.
You could use any type of nut butter instead of PB. 
I have used dark chocolate chips, milk chocolate chocolate chips, raisins, craisins, etc.
You could even add in some coconut flakes.
I have left out the vanilla and it was fine.
The oats keep me super full.
The chocolate chips and nut butter help satisfy my sweet tooth.
If you use dark chocolate you got some antioxidants in there.
Flaxseed contains fiber and omega-3s.
Honey is a great sweetener for those who are scared of "processed" foods [note: I am not one of those people. I work in the food industry in regulation....and know all the secret truths about everything ;)]

XO Lauren

Monday, July 29, 2013

Cake Cake Cake!!

This weekend I celebrated my birthday, and the celebration continues into tonight...obviously.
First, I got the boyfriend and I pedicures.  It was his first one...awwwwww

My boyfriend's brother's GF made me a cake and we all went to Six Flags.  I remembered liking it a lot more when I was younger.  The lines are just wayyy too long.  The rides were awesome though.

Trying to keep myself warm.  It was a high of JULY!

Yay bday cake!

Yesterday I made myself a banana bread cake with burnt butter frosting.  It was amazing, so the boyfriend and I woke up early to relax with coffee and cake!


I showed up to work today with amazing cards on my desk from my coworkers. They know me too well.

Kitty cat cards.

And one of my best friends here made me this amazing cookbook!  Finally! I might get oraganized.

....Good Lookin'

Also, someone must have known it was my birthday because my parking spot wasn't even taken after lunch! Yes. It's a good day.
Tonight I really want to get a yoga session in and I realllly want to pole tomorrow.  It has been too long, and I miss it.
XO Lauren
PS. Did you notice I dyed my hair? I dislike it a lot. Soooo I am going back Wednesday to have it re-done.  I'm such a brat.

Friday, July 26, 2013

An [early] Birthday Celebration

Hi everyone!

Last night I made my first ever lasagna for the boyfriend, his mom, and I.

I have to say it came out good, but I didn't pay much attention to the lasagna because all I could think about were the individual double chocolate cakes with buttercream frosting that the boyfriends mom brought over.  HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO ME!

She also got me three presents! I don't think I have gotten real birthday presents for like five years.  Almost made me tear up.
She got me a set of gorgeous hand made necklaces, and a painting and bowl with poppies on it.
I am sooo excited about the painting of the poppies.
The boyfriend and I are moving in together at the end of next month, and I can't wait to put it up in our house. 
Tomorrow I am going to six flags.  Surprisingly, I am not too nervous about falling out of roller coasters.  Usually when something crazy happens in the news [woman falling to her death off a roller coaster in TX], I immediatley think I'm next.  This time though, I am still more scared of a home invasion or getting struck by lightening than falling out of a roller coaster :P
My birthday present to me? Uh, I didn't work out once this week :P Does that count?
Oh, PS:
My real birthday is on Monday, July 29th and so is my nieces!
Shout out to that cutie patootie, AVA!!!!
XO Lauren 

Thursday, July 25, 2013

When did this happen?

Okay seriously- this year I bought a size large bikini bottom (the pink bathing suit).  I noticed while on vacation jumping waves that it was way too big for me.  Because of everyone's positive comments on my Two Month blog update, I gained the courage to unbury my old suit. 

I put my bathing suit on from last year/ the year before, size SMALL bottoms........
I'M SEEING AMAZING RESULTS! AHHHHHHHH.  Here is a better picture of two months in.

Kind of looks like I got a boob job too huh? lol I think I like the white bathing suit top better ;)
I think this blog is really doing something for my confidence.  It holds me accountable for not only myself but to show others that it's possible to achieve goals.

I really don't have a weight goal.  In fact, I think I've only lost about 4-5 lbs.  I am happy that I feel much better day-to-day;  I used to get headaches at 3:00 pm every day.  Now I sail right on through without.  I have more endurance to walk up stairs (I couldn't for a while because of the surgery), I'm more confident wearing tank tops, bathing suits, shorts, etc, and I get excited to talk about fitness with other people instead of feeling guilty.  ALL GOOD THINGS. 

I am just waiting until the Wisconsin Winter when I can't enjoy the outside.  I hate cold weather. It ruins everything....I guess that is when I will NEEEEEEED a very expensive pole in my house...teehee
What is hard for me to understand though, is how I look this good in pictures and then one day I'll feel huge.  Maybe I'll blame that one on hormones? Any thoughts?

XO Lauren

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Run Like a G and a Little Spa Action

I'd like highlight one of my blogger bffs for a second.  As some of you may know, I used to run a lot, but after my surgery it has gotten pretty difficult.  I get my dose of running through running blogs.  Run Like a G is one of my favs. 
Heather @ Run Like a G
Heather is awesome and so inspiring, but if you don't want to read about running and a strong beautiful woman, maybe you'll stop by to read/look at pics of her hunky body builder husband, JG.
Heather started Positive Body Image posts which I absolutely love.  I think everyone needs to remember that "we only get one body and we should treat it with respect."  Cheers to that!

Since I decided to love myself a little more, I haven't minded random splurges on myself/ my body.  While on vacation, I got a nice long massage at the resort we stayed at. Here's a little peak.

Hope you all can get to experience the pure joy of a massage...seriously. It is amazing. If you haven't, I'd encourage you to treat yourself.

XO Lauren

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Two Months

So I never actually posted my measurements or a pic of me after a month.  After taking that picture I realized I hadn't seen as drastic results as I wanted.  It is hard to realize that it takes time, effort, and sadly, a complete obsession with becoming healthy to see results (Note: not an unhealthy just have to think about food before eating and calories while working out, which basically flows through your entire day). 
Although I am healthy, I haven't been able to change my overall lifestyle.  I have made some big improvements and better food choices.  I try to eat more fruits and veggies, carbs in the morning, incorporate chia seeds, and stay away from overly processed food (I acutally have nothing against processed foods as long as you are also eating whole fruits and veggies - I'll write more on that in a different post).
My boyfriend and I are constantly trying to find what works for us.  I love pole dancing, but it is super far away.  I am trying to save so I can put a pole in our house to practice.  I also love running.  I have gotten up to running a very slow mile without killing my knee.  Baby steps....  Lifting is also awesome.  The boyfriend is obsessed, he is a beast and I love it.
Without further adieu, I present to you my body after two months of attempting to be conscious of food and excercise!

I am sorry these aren't the best pics to compare.  The bikini pic is from vacation :)
It takes a lot for me to post these, so any positive feedback is welcome. 

I don't see much of a change in looks, and actually I think my before picture might be better (the before picture was taken in the morning and the after pic was taken during the day..I always feel like that makes a difference), but I feel a lot healthier.  I will keep experimenting with my body and diet.  Hopefully together we will become fit and healthy.

XO Lauren

Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm Baaaaaack

Hi everyone! I'm sorry I have been MIA.  I went to Florida with my parents and sister this past week.

It was nice, but it showed me how independent I have become.  I have my own schedule and my own lifestyle.  I also realized what my life would be like if I didn't have a day job.
It would go a little like this:
Daily Schedule
8:00 am:
Wake up, coffee, breakfast
9:00 am:
Yoga, streching
10:00 am:
Gym, run, pole, etc
11:00 am:
Shower and get ready for the day
12:00 pm:
12:30 pm:
Activities like shopping, cleaning, blogging, etc
3:30 pm:
Grocery shop for dinner
4:30 pm:
Start cooking homemade gourmet feast
6:00 pm:
Greet the boyfriend and show off my cooking skillz
Then chow down
7:00 pm:
Clean kitchen, do dishes
7:20 pm:
Sit down, relax with boyfriend
9:00 pm:
I really would never complain ever again if this was possible.
 More to come about vaca.....

xoxo Lauren

Friday, July 12, 2013

Bright Running Clothes, Procrastination, and Momma's Birthday

Good morning everyone!!

I have realized that I am a really boring dresser.  I only like black....and grey and white.  But I have been trying to expand my wardrobe lately. 

Black Shirt. Per Usual.

I have gotten REALLY good at picking out super bright workout/running I just need to apply it to everyday clothing.

Bright and Sassy ;)

I am leaving tomorrow for Florida to see my parents and my sister.  Oh and my sister are weird together...get ready blog world.  We WILL blow your mind! I have not packed a single thing.  I wrote a list of about 30 things not to forget and there are probably 30 more things that I will forget :/
If procrastination were a job I'd be a bagillionnaire.  I wish I had a large cute purse.. for the plane. I guess I do, but I'd like a black one...they seem to be cool right now.

It is my Mommy's birthday today.  HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM....I know she doesn't read my blog, but maybe one day she will read this and be really happy!!  I called her on my way to work this morning and I think she is really excited to get the family (minus my two brothers) back together!  I told her I would cook at least three dinners for everyone and have a yoga session every morning to teach them how to RELAX and focus on their body.  Then we will probably drink. ;)

Well everyone, its a short one...but HAPPY FRIDAY :)
xoxo Lauren

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Randomness About My Life

So yesterday was so slow at work.  I think all week is going to be....especially because I really want the week to go by fast; therefore, it won't.

I had a mean craving for something bad for me yesterday, so I caved and had this.....I'm not ashamed ;)

Then I went to pole...which usually gets me really excited, but the studio was like a thousand degrees and there were like 25 people to 5 poles. Not okay.  I couldn't stay on the pole because I was so sweaty from all the body heat...I left early.  One thing that I always think about walking into pole is that it is basically impossible to find and how mean the lady who owns this antique shop must be.  The pole studio's sign is on the door, but the antique shop always has the door propped open so you can't see it!  Whatevs....if you like pole enough you will find the studio eventually.

Like I have mentioned before, Wisconsin is known for cheese, specifically cheese curds.  Saw this on my ride home and didn't think it was weird at all.

And nowwwww I am bored at work again....writing a quick post so I don't leave ya'll hangin again like last week.  Can't promise next week though, I'LL FINALLY BE IN FLORIDAAAAAAAA YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

Happy Hump Day!

I'm not excited or anything.
xoxo Lauren

Monday, July 8, 2013

Long Weekend, Juice Cleanse Fail

Hello everyone!  Sorry about my dissapearance over the last week/weekend.  I seem to get a little distracted when holidays roll around.  I ended up making food for a cookout and completely disregarded the juice cleanse, went to a parade, a beer tent, read an entire book....   Here is what I started to write to all of you, and then forgot to post it...whoops!!! And trust me, you don't really want to see pics of the juice.  It was just awful.  Awful looking and tasting.

Okay Gross

Yeahhhhh I have decided that juice cleanse is not for me. I like vegetables, but not their juice. I need to figure out a way to make the juice a little tastier.

I am going to develop my own cleanse :)

For now, let's just stick to healthy eating. I'm much happier that way. I seriously couldn't stomach the idea of drinking more juice today.

Here are some pros and cons of yesterday.


I definitely got plenty of vitamins.
I am full of energy today.
I realized that I could do a juice cleanse if I was in the right mindset [and it tasted better than that crap].
I would like to make my own juice more often.
I consumed four apples, three cucumbers, three tomatoes, three carrots, two stalks of celery, an orange pepper, and three lemons.


I felt like I was going to vomit every hour.
Tomato juice is not my friend, even combined with other ingredients.
I really don't like celery, in any form.
I didn't finish the cleanse, therefore, my insides aren't the cleanest?
I really can't think of anything tooooooo bad about the cleanse IF you can stomach the juice.
I was allowed to eat protein at night with some sort of veggie. I had a chicken breast and some greens. When I was hungry during the day, I drank green tea. See?! Not so bad.
If you want to attempt this cleanse, head over the The Skinny Confidential. If you would rather not, and just take my attempt as a sign that it isn't right for you, I understand completely. It was gross.

And that is when I forgot to bad everyone!

Buttt about my weekend. 

I bought some pretty flowers!

On the 4th, the boyfriend and I ended up going to the parade like two houses down from where we live, and to the park down the street to see fireworks.  Not nearly as exciting as it is when I was a kid.  I was really disappointed in them, and we left like ten minutes before they were over.  I LOVED the parade though.  I seriously tear up when I see old veterans waving a flag and smiling.

Not as exciting as I wanted

Note: Wear sunglasses while watching so no one sees you cry at the old men waving flags.

We went to a beer tent on Friday night with a bunch of friends and then ended up on one of our friend's boats Saturday afternoon with some cute doggies!

Barret and I! Neither of us liked the icky lake water, but it was GORGEOUS out.

I also read an entire book called Thirteen Reasons Why.  It was super sad, but an easy read.  Nice for a Sunday!

All in all, a good long weekend.  Happy belated 4th everyone!!!
xoxo Lauren

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Juice Time

I have decided to do Lauryn's Three Day Cleanse

Lauryn is an awesome fitness and lifestyle blogger, author of The Skinny Confidential.  I came across her gem of a blog a while ago.  Well, about a month ago she invited everyone to do her July cleanse with her. Wahooo cleanse time... It is going to be difficult.  But I'm ready. Game face.

Wish me luck.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Back and Bi's

Hello lovers!

I hope you all had a great weekend!! I am in a super good mood because this work week is only two and a half days long! Yes!! I love holiday weekends.  Also because after next week I go on vacation with my amazing parents and the best sister in the entire world!  Can you tell I'm excited about life right now?!  Look at all these exclamation marks!

I surprisingly didn't take any pictures this weekend...I should have!  We went to the boyfriend's boss's house for his little boy's 6th birthday party!  I am so happy I missed the cake.  That would have been diet over, right there.  There were tons of cutie-patooties and sparklers and even fireworks.

My favorite part was when the boyfriend and I escaped to the swing set.  We couldn't stop giggling while swinging back and forth.  I felt so carefree.  No stress in the world...but now its back to work.  Boo :(  But this girl has to make a living somehow. :P

Yesterday the boyfriend and I walked to the gym to do back and bi's.  Here is the workout.  Please don't make fun of how weak I am.  I am progressing like crazy...and you'd be jealous of how rock hard my bicepts are.


Back and Bi's

Warm-up: Pull ups.
Assisted with 110 lbs. As many as you can.
Getting better, considering in April I needed 140 lbs of help [basically my whole].
Standing One-Arm Cable Curl:
3 sets of 10
20 lbs
Spider Curl [E-Z Bar Curl]:
3 sets of 8
10 lbs [5 lbs each side]
Bent Over Barbell Row:
3 sets of 8
10 lbs [5 lbs each side]
Cable Rear Delt Row:
3 sets of 10
40 lbs
One Arm Lat Pulldown:
3 sets of 10
20 lbs
Wide Grip Pulldown Behind the Neck:
3 sets of 10
60 lbs
[woah I used to only be able to do 40 a few weeks ago!!!]
So a few weeks ago, I tried to start running.  I haven't gotten far.  Maybe 0.3 miles before I have to stop because of my knee pain.  But seriously, it is really hard to do this on a treadmill watching TV when this commercial comes on:
Sorry for the terrible pic - as I was trying to run!
Uhhhh seriously?! Maybe TV on the treadmill is not a good idea.
xoxo Lauren

About Lauren

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Wisconsin, United States
I created this blog to track my life. After graduating college with a B.S. in Food Science, I moved half way across the country for a job. Life has really changed since college, I'd say for the better. I have taken up some new hobbies and I'd like to bring you along on my journey as I learn and struggle through it all. Please feel free to contact me [] with comments, jokes, pictures, really whatever you want to share with me. Enjoy!