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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sweet Tooth - Healthier Option, with a Little Pole Talk

The other day at work I couldn't stop daydreaming about the ice cream bar my boyfriend had the night before.  I basically held my breath the entire time while he was eating it.  Somehow, I managed to not only drop everything, run to the store, buy all of the ice cream there, and scarf it down immediately, but I managed not to ask for a bite!  Some sort of will power took over and was like "Hell no Lauren, don't do it."  So I didn't.  There I was the next day daydreaming I made a healthy version of a sunday.  Yeah, I guess it could be considered a sunday, makes it sound more unhealthy and sweet and terrible for me [even though its healllllthierrr!].

Not the best looking pic but it was sweet and hit the spot!

Not A Sunday, But You Could Be Convinced It Is Sunday, Sunday:

1 Banana
1 cup Plain Fat Free Greek Yogurt
Make layers of the banna and greek yogurt with cinnamon and honey in between.

Now on to pole updates!  Last night I got some pretty cool moves, and got to play with an aerial hoop.  I feel like I am in Cirque du Soleil when I'm at these classes.  It is awesome, and the ladies there are all inspiring and beautiful!
I am still working on superman....I start in Jasmine, and attempt to shimmy my leg around to Superman, but my leg gets caught and I get stuck.  It was also super humid in the studio yesterday and I was sweating and sliding a lot.  Here is a pic of Superman for those who do not know what it looks like: [Superman]
I am also working on Sad Girl into Drama Queen while spinning.  I wish I could find pics of these...but google isn't getting me anywhere :(  I also got one of my pole splits last night.  Its more of a middle split on the pole.  I have no idea what its called. I can't find it online either.  Better luck next time!  I'll take pics when I perfect them ;)  Ohhh yeah, and my shoulder mount looks 1,000X better than it did last week...and I can almost invert while spinning [instead of kicking off the ground!]. 


xoxo Lauren

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About Lauren

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Wisconsin, United States
I created this blog to track my life. After graduating college with a B.S. in Food Science, I moved half way across the country for a job. Life has really changed since college, I'd say for the better. I have taken up some new hobbies and I'd like to bring you along on my journey as I learn and struggle through it all. Please feel free to contact me [] with comments, jokes, pictures, really whatever you want to share with me. Enjoy!