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Friday, June 28, 2013

I About Fainted! A Thank You

I about fainted the other day when I saw this on Eat, Run, Wine.  The blog's author, Corrine, is about the cutest, nicest, genuine blogger out there.  I always read her posts and give my two cents.  I am new to blogging, but seriously, I think I just made a friend. ;)  I am beyond excited to follow her in her running journey's, discovering new wine to drink, and connect as we grow as women and as bloggers.  You are such an inspiration.  Thanks Corrine <3


As I wrote in the about me section of my profile, I am new to this crazy working world, straight out of college, and in a strange place where I knew NOONE.  I have since found the man I've been looking for and discovered some new hobbies. 

Blogging is one of the most rewarding hobbies I have ever had.  To know that people actually read my thoughts gives me the confidence day-to-day to keep sharing.  I am glad that my thoughts have had an effect on Corrine, and I hope that I can continue to help others.  The community that I am becoming a part of is so warm and supportive.  Thank you for this opportunity :)

xoxo Lauren

1 comment:

  1. Aww!!! Thanks!

    I feel the same way! I'm new, but this is a great hobby! Yay for new adventures and new blogging friends! :)


About Lauren

My photo
Wisconsin, United States
I created this blog to track my life. After graduating college with a B.S. in Food Science, I moved half way across the country for a job. Life has really changed since college, I'd say for the better. I have taken up some new hobbies and I'd like to bring you along on my journey as I learn and struggle through it all. Please feel free to contact me [] with comments, jokes, pictures, really whatever you want to share with me. Enjoy!